"Waste management has been acknowledged as one of Bahrain’s biggest challenges due to its
impending effects regarded as detrimental to the country. Data gathered within the past thirty years
have all revealed significant increases on waste quantity generated in the country along the categories
of residential, commercial, institutional, construction and demolition, municipal services, public areas,
treatment plant sites, industrial, and agricultural wastes. The limited land area, characterized by
Bahrain’s small geographical space, is the biggest factor that contributes to the problem of managing
the increasing waste accumulation of the country and finding sustainable systems of waste
management. As such, the growing need to refurbish the current system of municipal solid waste
management utilized in the country is the focus of this study. Sustainable waste management systems
through the adoption of Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) is analyzed as a probable solution
towards solving the hazards and complexities posed by current waste management problems. Existing
literature inclusive of all available sources of information used to analyze current waste management
systems in the country, as well as a series of interviews and household surveys, have been utilized to
develop an ISWM system that fits the current trends and needs of Bahrain."
Mohammed Saleh Al. Ansari