In this case, a judge of the Federal Court of Australia declared the
decision of the respondent Minister to approve the development and
operation of a mine in north west Tasmania invalid on the ground that
the Minister had not considered the text of a document known as the
Approved Conservation Advice for the Tasmanian Devil ('the ACA')
as required by the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
Act 1999 (Cth) ('EPBC Act'). Although the briefing information before
the Minister referred to the ACA, this was held not to be sufficient to
satisfy s 139(2) of the EPBC Act because it could not be said that
genuine consideration had been given to the document. The applicant
for judicial review, Tarkine National Coalition ('TNC') raised three
other grounds which attacked conditions that the Minister attached to
the approval to 'compensate for unavoidable impacts on Tasmanian
devils and their habitat'. However, the Court rejected these other
grounds, finding the conditions were authorised by s 134 of the Act,
were not inconsistent with Australia's international obligations and
were otherwise reasonable.